Luminescence's Profile

Joined on May 25, 2015
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Luminescence's Recent Posts
"((((((((((((((((((((((((((( -(eOe-) KAMEHAMEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
"\(OuO\) (/OuO)/ \(OuO\) (/OuO)/"
"(nobody gOD!!1111!!!!!!!!11!!!1111) The bad kind. What other kind is there? ._."
"(^u^)-# Here's your invtation!"
"~(-3-)~ FACE PARTYYYYYY (/OuO)/ \(OuO\) (-L-) Zzz.. (u_u) Forever alone.. (^#^) I ate your waffle. ^u^"
"(u can kill them but if u touch my waifu you will die) *whispers* ..Demons."
"(A majority of the people here are rude and arrogant. I miss having a kind, warm-hearted person like you around. But anyways, Honey's"
"(pu ssy pincher)"
"(i miss chu so much i don't really talk to anyone here anymore :c)"
"(give me a huggggg ;-;)"
"(what is etsy even)"
"(I'm pretty sure I know who it is.)"
"(never!!!!!! senpeepee wil nevr notiss u) *tenses* Theres something up ahead and it doesn't seem very friendly"
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