Lulu424's Profile

Joined on Nov 17, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
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"Hey... we both got 79%...DONT talk to my senpai cause then itll make me look like ur as good as me...and if that happens i have a knife…"
In response to SweetButPsycho:
"i got 79% im not a yandere though!! oh whos…"
1 -
"Yes ur a yandere its ok be calm here we all are some more that others but still"
In response to Mizuki Koneko:
"How did I get a high score? I am not a yandere! I…"
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"And one more thing Im bisexual and my senpai is a girl her name is Emma YOU TOUCH HER AND THEIR WILL BE A KNIFE WITH YOUR NAME ON IT"
2 -
"I meant in my answer comment I answered some questions wrong cause the government searches the internet DONT wAnt them knowing who is a…"
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"I got 79% some questions I answered wrong cause government searches the internet DONT want them knowing how yandere i actually am"