Luke Fon Fabre's Profile

Luke Fon Fabre
Joined on Feb 28, 2014
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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Luke Fon Fabre's Recent Posts
"What?! How is that what you came up with, from what I said?"
"Why would I need to manipulate people?"
"Wha- now you sound like her!"
"Watch the sky."
"Look I'm just- I don't like being here and forced to so stuff like this! I'm supposed to be helping the village I'm staying at and instead, ..."
"Yeah, well, I have friends, and I don't need your advice."
"What would you know? Who even are you, anyway?"
"I'm not looking for friends, hmph."
"Uhhh.. what's a car?"
"Stop being an ass Asch. Eat the damn cookie."
"So uh I'm Luke, by the way."
"[I'm 18 and still love Disney musicals so I mean..xP]"
"Thank you! Mieu: *climbs out of his coat* Master's perfect!"
"Thank you. He slicked it down and ruined the perfection. God General uniform. Bad guy uniform."
"Heph isn't around, besides she was never any help anyway."
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