Ludwig N Kaitie's Profile

Ludwig N Kaitie
Joined on Feb 21, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
Ludwig N Kaitie's Quizzes
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Ludwig N Kaitie's Recent Posts
"And you kniow what else I'm thinking about? How whenever I'm saying this s---, nboody bothers to help. Even my family. They just sit there, ..."
"How I know that everyone has a purpous on Earth, but it's just so hard to see mine. So I should just die. I am worthless. I really am. I jus..."
"I'm goanna go for now. Both of us. *Huggles*"
"@HatsCat Ludwig: Actually, I am an anime character."
"Kaitie: Lee Green - Proud To Be an American Ludwig: Die Prinzen - Duetchland"
"Kaitie: I think you could."
"Awz :'#"
"Kaitie: She's not ugly looking -_- EVAR. *Goes over to box* Come on, Hat... Ludwig: Can I come out from da corner!?"
"Ludwig: *:O face* *Ditches* Kaitie: O_O Vege... don't be upset..."
"Ludwig: Are you a German breed? :)))) Kaitie: -_- Germany, go sit in a corner. Ludwig: ...I vas just as---! Kai"
"Kaitie: *Huggles everyone* >>; Dunt be upset guys..."
"Ludwig: (:# Vhoa, I... um, apologize... Kaitie: *Slowly walks away*"
"(I keep mixing Heph and Carri up because of the pictures)"
"Kaitie: Yeah... Russia can't come anywhere near you know. Ludwig: :I Kaitie: ...Ludwig, you're a huge help to this. Lud"
Ludwig N Kaitie's Recent Quiz Comments
Now... Let's have a German Sparkle Partay! ^_^"