Lucky_Thirteen13's Profile

Joined on Jun 11, 2015
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
Lucky_Thirteen13's Quizzes
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Lucky_Thirteen13's Recent Quiz Comments
"I/made this f&--%% quoiz so u better appreciate it!!
1 -
"0% fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish
10/year s later.
FISH"1 -
"I just did this quiz and got number 13 yay!"
1 -
"I got carter"
1 -
"That sounds about right I'll probably jump off a cliff"
1 -
"Jumping off a brige that sounds about right"
1 -
"I know I'm not gonna die at 60 I'm gonna die younger cozwell I know stuyff
1 -
"I made this quiz;) 13"