Lucian Assassin's Profile

Lucian Assassin
Joined on Nov 14, 2012
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
Lucian Assassin's Quizzes
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Lucian Assassin's Recent Posts
"Shadow: Umm... no (Dude, is Akiro a guy or girl? XD)"
"(Then I might be asleep 3: I'll try to stay awake.) *smiles* One great kid..."
"Shadow: *grumbles out* Shut up Akiro. No need to be jealous"
"Shadow: Um... Sure?"
"She'll be as amazing as her mother (Nuuu. When will you be back?)"
"Shadow: Everything will be okay. It wasn't your fault. Stop blaming yourself. Think about it this way, would you rather she died as a happy ..."
"*smirks slightly, holding her closer* That kid will be something special. Then again, it will be your kid"
"Shadow: Shhh, it's okay, it's okay. I'm here."
"(Yea. An assassin having a spa attack would be a weird kind of funny.) *smiles slightly* You enjoying yourself?"
"(Okay, sure. I just thought of Lucian having a spaz attack and thought it'd be funny. Anyway, you're up)"
"Shadow: *puts an arm around her shoulders* Shhh. Calm down. Just focus on breathing. When you're calm enough, tell me what happened."
"It was your choice in the first place *le fades to black* (Now what? Him waking up with a massive headache with Darkness next"
"Shadow of Death: *bends down next to Nashy* Who hurt you? Who do I have to hurt?"
"*smirks* I thought you'd never ask *goes to the bed* (Good to see I'm not the only one. Now the time skip?)"
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