LoveTheWorld's Profile

Joined on Feb 26, 2012
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
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LoveTheWorld's Recent Posts

  • Hello?
    "I'm leaving for now... *arnold schwarzen----- voice* I'll be back."
  • Hello?
    "No, I'm new... Just trying to learn who everyone is on here."
  • Hello?
    "Thanks FG. Hi dragon, selena. Howdidoo."
  • Hello?
    "Woah, more people."
  • Hello?
    "I'm back!"
  • Hello?
    "This is getting weird. I'm going to grab some breakfast. I'll be back unless my parents take my computer away. Bye!"
  • Hello?
    "Wait, so now it's Dragon Ember- Ember Angelic4- Not sure Slytherin Queen- Lily ZeroNightshade- I'm just"
  • Hello?
    "ok. GTQ names it is. I'm cool with Tazia. I hate how by the time you post something, someone's changed the topic and what you're saying does..."
  • Hello?
    "It's weird because I have to go eat breakfast, and some people have already eaten lunch,and some people are going to eat dinner.... It just ..."
  • Hello?
    "I will do my best to memorize. Does everyone prefer their real names to their GTQ names?"
  • Hello?
    "Woah, It's 9:42 here. Argh this is weird."
  • Hello?
    "Thanks. @Zero/Ben- I think you'll be getting my o-0 face a lot."
  • Hello?
    "Hi Jessy."
  • Hello?
    "Correct me if I've gotten anyone mixed up, ok? DragonEmber- Ember Angelic4- Ang/Mitchy Slyther"
  • Hello?
    "@Moon Ooh, that's torture. Thanks a lot."

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