loulou's Profile
Joined on Nov 19, 2012
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
loulou's Quizzes
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loulou's Recent Posts
"account #4"
"Boo yeah"
"What? Oh nothing.."
"Im so bored out of my mind and i wanna nap"
"So bored"
"I think ima get food after this. I feel hungry"
"No matter what account i have.. I get ignored"
"Yes ma'am very"
"Making quizzes and stuff"
"Yeah i guess. Ive missed so many classes.."
"*not going No i would've gone to my english class I'm probably going to miss out on what to do for my paper and get another bad grade"
"I pulled some muscles and i hurt my ankle so im going to class today"
"Yeah now i get noticed... But hi"
"No its freaking batman"
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