LOST_IN_TIME's Profile

Joined on May 10, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
LOST_IN_TIME's Quizzes
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LOST_IN_TIME's Recent Posts
"help? my posts aren't even offensive right now"
"im just gonna go"
"figuring I'm struggling with depression and trying to kill myself you think it's okay to pick on me f--- no i'm done"
"just f---ing kill me if i make a friend on here everyone treats them like s--- because i'm their friend can i "
"I'm just gonna go"
"if one person should,you should"
"How Weak I am getting everyday Is pathetic"
"No-one gets my pokemon reference :("
"Skitty on wailord"
"O.O My team (all level 100) Vaporeon-health,defense Articuno-power Zapdos-power Charizard-speed Me"
"The SCARY night clowns are after me!"
"If we'd REAL theme is called scary night clowns Look it up XD"
"Eevee Leafeon Glaceon Flareon Vaporeon Sylveon Umbreon Jolteon Espeon"
"Escape The fate-this war is ours(the guillotine part 2)"
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