Lord Rin's Profile

Lord Rin
Joined on Jun 3, 2020
Status Level: Novice
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Lord Rin's Recent Posts
"Artless bat-fouling Apple-John"
"Yes or they can experience fighting a viaricouse"
"How is that a bad thing!?"
"Oak worshipper!"
"Like skydiving"
"it let's you experience thrills what no longer bind us"
"To your left you can see the great electris generator, it's the main source of entertainment here"
"She'll never be in my favor, but let's move on *Resumes walking*"
"I believe she does, but not as a lover but as a friend"
"Girlfriend snatcher"
"He stole my girlfriend, not only that, he proposed to her"
"Of course that discourtious cur is my brother"
"Cave boy!"
"But I will tell you that a discourtious odious heckling hermit lives in those caverns"
"I'll do what I want you heckling hermit"
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