Lord_Salad_bin's Profile
Joined on Dec 17, 2016
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
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Lord_Salad_bin's Recent Posts
"Uh oh"
"Tima: Hey, I won't be able to talk here for bit since I have to continue getting ready for the party. I'll try to come back later if I can, ..."
"Just as I had arrived to say hello. Well, duty calls anyway"
"Hmm, seems like she had to go"
"Kalafina: I understand. Well you have definitely done a good job so far. Sadly, I must take my leave. Duty calls. Have a nice evening!"
"Kalafina: Thank you for appreciating my typing style. I think that yours is particularly eloquent as well"
"Nerdist: Ah, you wear the emblem of the hunter? Haven't met a guardian who wears that emblem proudly in quite a while. Happy hunting, young ..."
"1714: I'm sorry to say that you are mistaken Kalafina: You are very welcome, Kalafina. May the light of the Traveler illuminate the pa"
"Kalafina: I usually like to go hunting through the Cosmodrome, or scavenging the Plaguelands for resources. Though my main task is protectin..."
"Kalafina: I'm doing very well at the moment. Just searching for something to do. How about you, young wolf?"
"Kalafina: No worries, guardian! I have no fear of anyone targeting me, for I have been through many battles throughout my life. I am prepare..."
"1714: It seems as if you hold some bad feelings toward Kalafina, but she is right. You did send out the signals of someone who wanted to bat..."
"I wonder what is next on my journey through life. I sense a lot of pain and strife ahead, but that does not scare me. It instills nothing bu..."
"Hello, 1714! Its not nice to judge someone based on their views! While you may not agree, it is very mean-spirited to direct your opinion in..."
"Ah, the sun is shining bright over the horizon and the crisp winter breeze is gracing this fine land. It really makes a man appreciate livin..."
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