Lord_of_Shades's Profile


Joined on Dec 1, 2020
Status Level: Junior

Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Lord_of_Shades's Quizzes

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Lord_of_Shades's Recent Posts

  • Silridge
    "Arnt you pan?"
  • A Rift in the Void
    "Me: hm my pen is being funky maybe I should change the nib *changes the nib* *sees that the old nib is noticeably shorter then t"
  • A Rift in the Void
    "I'm so happy with how Myriad is turning out so far :D Oh, and if anyone want to know what Myriads Demon parent is, this is him"
  • A Rift in the Void
    "Gunna try finishing up Myriad today"
  • A Rift in the Void
    "Done :D"
  • A Rift in the Void
    "Also need to wash the outsides of the tanks, and the tv"
  • A Rift in the Void
    "Ended up doing way more then I thought, almost done now. Just need to pick up a few things and vacuum"
  • Hey Pheonix
    "Nox heard the scream and immediately started struggling more, managing to get a foot against his attacker to kick him off, before scrambling..."
  • A Rift in the Void
    "All thats left is sorting the small tank shelf and picking up the floor again"
  • A Rift in the Void
    "Room is almost done"
  • Champion
    "Don't worry, lol 90% of the effects are harmless"
  • Champion
    "This is the same book that caused a mountain to float away, and also sent every tree in a 1 mile radius running for the nearest druid"
  • Champion
    "So guess who has a book of 10000 wild magic effects that their going g to be applying to their oc :D"
  • A Rift in the Void
  • Champion
    "Name: Famil Age: he doesn't know Gender/Pronouns: he/him/they/them Species: magical skeleton Appearance: "

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