Lorah's Profile

Joined on Sep 6, 2012
Status Level: Junior
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Lorah's Quizzes
- Which feature will you notice first?[published: Sep 18, 2012, 9 comments]
We all notice different facial features. Some of us are more in tuned than others to the……
- Which color nail polish suites your personality?[published: Sep 07, 2012, 17 comments]
Little things that we do everyday tell a lot about who we are, and what we are……
Lorah's Recent Posts
"I give permission to touch mangos ;d"
" don't"
"I don't know what you are talking about. I don't either care. So have a nice life and enjoy your wonderful talent"
"I made annother quiz..."Which feature will you notice first""
"Saphire, I feel sorry for u."
"Well just to clarrify that... Personal space does not mean that you need to talk disrespectful to somebody. And yes there are people"
"Personal space????????phhhhhhhhhhhh"
"I feel so sorry...they might not be what you would call a good friend"
"that can suck, FireSoul"
"Teresa... please only comment if you have something nice to say. Other wise keep your comments to your self. Thank you!"
"Nuna what did you get?"
"Not funny kiddo"
"Talk wit more respect maybe...talking like that makes people uninterested"
Lorah's Recent Quiz Comments
?"1 -
"The dark one! yes that's me"
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"Nerdy Sweet Guy. "
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"This quiz is sooooooooo my type!!! "
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"I got facial structure...very true. I am a disciplined person"
1 -
"Role Model..."
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"You didn't survive through 2% of it!
I think it had cute scenerios, that really do happen! LOL"
1 -
"It was a awesome quize...
You are seriously talentedddd!"1 -
"Ohai Sarah...XD the color you wearing at the moment LoL"
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"Got Halfear...Loner, hmmm?"