Lon's Profile

Joined on Sep 11, 2013
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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Lon's Recent Posts
"Cabel: No. *is holding le turtle* Tubs: *flails* Give it to me!"
"It's just on this account. I can't do screenshots."
"I'm gonna draw something and post it hold on."
"Cabel: *growls* No, we're not. Who's Angel?"
"(crap I thought you said "his pockets")"
"*poke poke poke poke*"
"OOH OOOH. What kind of cape? For who? Maybe the end could have some lace."
"Hey what are you doing! *pushes you away* Cabel: Don't get the kid angry, he has problems."
"Cabel: *shakes his head* It's been 5 years. We're fine. Right Lon? *nods* Right."
"*poke poke*"
"*pokes again*"
"Yea....sorry. Personal things."
"Cabel: NO! I mean.....No. *looks up* Jeez...Cabe."
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