lolpanshehe's Profile
Joined on Apr 10, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
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lolpanshehe's Recent Quiz Comments
"........ little concerned about all the teeth"
1 -
"I got Athirst, I'm a Pagan and worship some Hindu gods and prya to the Christian god"
1 -
"I've gotten both a Nightwing and a Rainwi g, .y it's a Nightwing-Rainwing hybrid"
2 -
"I got zero percent for marrying my best friend......I am currently married to my best friend"
0 -
"Yes and no"
In response to puppals1:
"i am other goth. i am not even goth, nor scene,…"
1 -
"I got Maniac Deppresive, pretty close. I have ADHD, anxiety, depression, hyperfocus, neglegence trama, and another one icant Denver what…"
2 -
"Same with me, I'm on medication that effects my weight, I'm 30 pounds underweight and it's a struggle for me to gain, and I get…"
In response to HateOnMe:
"My test result was chubby, but im actually three…"