llamaloverhahaha's Profile

Joined on Feb 12, 2013
Status Level: Novice
llamaloverhahaha's Quizzes
- My Weird Love Story 3[published: Feb 19, 2013, 4 comments]
For this one, I made the questions longer. Thanks to all the people who have sent me positive comments. It……
- My Weird Love Story 2[published: Feb 18, 2013, 6 comments]
My last quiz sucked. This one does, also. The story is still being debated, though we have most of it……
- My Weird Love Story[published: Feb 13, 2013, 3 comments]
Hi. I was bored, so I decided to make this gay quiz. I typed this on my 3DS. I just thought maybe I could……
llamaloverhahaha's Recent Posts
"Adios! :3 ttyl"
"Cool. ....... :3"
"I dunno. My eyes refuse to close and I end up napping in 5th hour. Who cares, after all my graffiti in the bathroom I'll be out in no time!"
"(*shrugs*) This is why I'm not a username critic. :3"
"I knew it......"
"Computers can't "feel" anything....sorry. It's none of my business...."
"Yeah, 'cuz when you type, another person types. :3"
"I do that alot, lol!"
"I meant Geek, sorry!"
"Kick super hard. I dunno how to make a new thread! Go f--- yourself!"
"I'm still in school. You seem like a girl...am I right?"
"Wow. I'm not out of school just yet, but I'm failing miserably!"
"-5,0000000000000 NEGATIVE"
"Whoah. How old r u? R u in school?"
llamaloverhahaha's Recent Quiz Comments
"The computer called me sexy!"
2 -
"Um..girl who just commented below me...you could go to jail for threatening somebody. Besides, it's okay for girls to like them, but to,…"
0 -
"On 7, don't swallow them either! I'm glad I got a super high score 'cuz I'm kinda a hippie."
1 -
"Lady in white :) Rainbow moose. Mooses or meese? The age old question..."
1 -
"My bf keeps flirting with my bff "
1 -
"Hey, there people! Wassup? Btw, rude comments mean you're jealous, so go ahead and type it. Made a 3rd one, so whatever. 0:) 0:) 0:) >:D…"
1 -
"It got me right. Blonde, skinny, blue eyes, you get the picture. "
1 -
"*a (insert)
*Gavin, not Gavi n"1 -
"OMG, LoneShadowWolf, when I made my Gavin, I forgot yours also had spiky hair! Honestly! I am SO sorry! I was morphing my boyfriend and guy…"
1 -
"When I made my Gavin, I forgot yours also had spiky hair! I was mixing my friend and boyfriend together. Totally sorry!"