LittleDark's Profile
Joined on Nov 28, 2013
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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LittleDark's Recent Posts
"Mirabell: *whirls around, staring at Aurore* Don't worry your pretty head about it. Get a move on! *eyes glow* I've got some magic, so I can..."
"Heima: ...I promised I'd never break it. I promised him I'd be there. Now you're saying you want me.. To break him completely? *snarls* You'..."
"not as mean as u #whyarewedoingthisagain? then come over and join me Ahh ok, I'll look it up later "
"(it's called google and winging it x'D) Really!? That's so cool! I thought only Cursed had wings.. *looks up at Ne"
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