link4799's Profile
Joined on Mar 28, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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link4799's Recent Posts
"Haha okay. Good night, love ya too."
"Lol yup (haha yeah.)"
"Haha that sucks. Playin Minecraft. (I didn't realize you posted it, its weird how the name is listed under the message, I'm not used to it l..."
"Haha wassup (link is my last name abbreviated. No connection to Zelda just and fyi lol)"
"Haha heya"
"*dies* (haha I like RP but if you dont wanna we can stop.)"
"Cause you're a damn psycho that one minute we're having a conversation and you yell "I challenge the" and effin hell breaks loose. *link tur..."
"*link dive rolls sideways towards cover* why am I fighting you?! And I really got damn knives in a gun fight?!? *launches a throwing knife a..."
"Alrighty. *rolls away and spins back to feet, arms extend to both side and two long knives snap out, and link launches and at"
"*rolls away* goddamn _____ (are we just usin real names or Cari and link?)"
"*looks shocked* where the f--- did ya get that glove?!? Why am I being challenged?!? *feints from the pressure of being new at rp*"
"Haha who said I'm not a nerd? XD"
"Haha heya carissa. I'll be willing to bet that some nerd will come post thinking its about Zelda since you put "for Cari and link only" xD"
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