Lillian ls Here's Profile

Lillian ls Here
Joined on Mar 26, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Lillian ls Here's Recent Posts
"No one come in here. I want to talk to myself."
"I wish my soccer game wasen't cancelled. Could have used a distraction."
"Threw up everything I ate today. ..At least I won't gain a pound."
"Get some once he leaves. Money?"
"Mhm~ Of course they are."
"It is for hiim. He's making a club sandwitch now so he'll live. Why would someone do thatt"
"He got a poptart. That's sick.."
"Mhm. Yeah xD He's not poor. He's got stuff. Ewewew. The f---?"
"He just sat there pouting while we all ate."
"Uhm I blocked you on there .w."
"You too! ^~^ Of course."
".w. It really is. Yas, babyyyy ^~^"
"^~^ Mhm! Brooke and Bianca share a room and Jake and I have our own. When the baby comes in September I'm gonna move to the g"
"Funn xD Mhm. They are. Brooke, Bianca, and Jake."
"Mhm. xD Tis fine. Eating ahmazing waffles Bianca made everyone. Hey! Mine has been great so far"
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