lilkitten's Profile
Joined on Dec 8, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
lilkitten's Quizzes
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lilkitten's Recent Quiz Comments
"Anxiety, yeah, sounds like me lol"
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"nice quiz, got Nymph"
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"not even close :P I'm a cancer, and My name starts with V not K "
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"yup, Nikki sounds like me haha"
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"haha no, I'm not in march-april, I'm in June :)"
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"lol I got just right, but I've never met a girl that fainted over a mouse or"
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"gee, thanks for calling me boring."
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"to the 90 pound person, you're underweight, this is a quiz, not for real..
I got perfect, yes I am, I'm 130 but some of thoseā¦"
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"Middle brained for me :) It's pretty accurate surprisingly. "
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"not what I'm like but a decent quiz just repetitive. "