Lilar's Profile

Joined on Mar 31, 2014
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Lilar's Recent Posts
"..Are you okay? o^o ~ Tyler: ..I suppose so. But why do I needa behave? ~ Erucia"
"HAHAHAHA LESTAT SURE IS LEARNING HE CAN'T EVEN USE THE UBB CODES RIGHT I mean oh hi wow this is a lot of us and we're not eve"
"Of course, baby. *small grin* *looks to Kyle* The only daughter she has is Dove. Though, Dove is a virg"
"*strokes Alecon's hair* ..Well, Guinevere isn't a virgin, but we can make her one. Magnus is a virgin. Neither have a lover o"
"You do realize that if it's your grandchildren, that includes Dark's children, right? And I'm pretty sure I can name a boy and a girl off th..."
"A boy and a girl would suffice? For what? *glances between Kyle and Alecon* *slight wobble* Dark: *casu"
"Dark: *goes into thinking mode* ..How about- Shadow: .w. She's too frail, Dark. Dark: But she doesn't have any"
"Asu: *tackles his bother* =w="
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