Like_A_Boss's Profile
Joined on Dec 5, 2013
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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"Ok so just fill this out- Name: Sarah Favorite genre of music:Anything but country. Favorite song: I love music"
"^He's correct."
"Overdosed on sleep pills earlier and damn. XD I could barely stand. After a few minutes, I couldn't even talk."
"Can barely feel heart sound"
"I'm junior now holla at mah playa."
"Haven't seen any light, Wouldn't want to want to anyways. But sometimes this dark makes me get anxiety I'll be okay, so"
"We're nth girls lmao. XD"
"I have flats at my dad's so on Sunday night I'll take the flats to my mom's and wear my new skirt. Dunno which one, either grey one or plaid..."
"*bosses What is wrong w/ me."
"Maybe it's just because of the lighting though. XD Honestly, I have no idea what color my eyes are sometimes."
"*flaunts blue eyes*"
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