Leuan's Profile

Joined on Oct 28, 2014
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Leuan's Recent Posts
"Darryl: *blushing furiously* .//. Nn.. ~ Dark: .. *exits the room* *shifts, howling* *TA"
"..You killed my mommy. ;A;"
"What did you do to her? Darryl: I didn't do anything. Evan.. He tried to stop the bleeding. But it took him too long."
"Being heros! Darryl: Saving my helpless grandfather. We don't need help, daddy. :I"
"Darryl: We need to get in there and save him. For my mom. I can try to help. :I Darryl: If we fail, we'll be"
"*pounces onto him, clinging* *tail wag* Can I be the leader of the pack?"
"Daddy, you're bootiful. ouo"
"*HUFF* *turns away from him, unable to come up with a comeback* ...You're so wasteful."
"*stomps over, spitting in his face* *angrily* My momma is a Queen. I just don't like wearing fancy clothing. My clothe"
"*tail bristles* *low grumble* Well I gave you one too, so deal with it. What a brat.. *crosses arms*"
"..I only asked for your name.. *confused look* *tilts head* Leuan. Leuan Carlotta-Ridley. And.. Uh.. I "
"What're ya doin'?"
"*now turns and stares at Slade* Raped who? Darryl: *just kinda there* *walks over to the tree Waylon hid behin"
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