Leon ssgss's Profile

Leon ssgss
Joined on Jan 6, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
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"Hey boss I got have cold have hot but I'm Dabi's son yaaa blue fire and black ice!!!"
In response to Keyboard:
"'All-For-One' 60%
You are power-hungry…"
1 -
"Agreed just stay away from me okay :)"
In response to wildnightcat:
"blood curdle"
1 -
"I got half hot half cold as well but I'm Dabi's son so I got blue fire and black ice"
In response to BNHA megafan:
"My Quirk was the same as Shoto Todoroki OMG I…"
1 -
"No it doesn't it's good and powerful I got half hot half cold but still you get to go BOOOM and blow stuff up for FUN!!"
In response to Exsplodeyboi157:
"I got bakugous quirks suckers"
1 -
":/ you need help"
In response to BurgerBaby:
"it says my quirk is to take 12 dicks at once. cool"
1 -
"I'm the son of Dabi I got half cold half hot but blue fire and black ice"
In response to Plus ultra:
"My quirk is one for all 88%
I have the…"
1 -
"That is good it just means you're my rival because I get vegeta all the time Y"
In response to Bman778:
"every time I take one of these quizzes I'm either…"
1 -
"I'm the real Vegeta final flash!!!!!!! This is super Saiyan blue evolution gamma burst flash haaaa!!!"
1 -
"Ima steelllll your quirk cuz I got all for one"
In response to Aiedail:
"Half Cold, Half Hot."
1 -
"Lol don't explode I know what can happen so don't break Bones either"
In response to Izuku:
"I got one for all like deku and all night I…"