LeeAnna's Profile

Joined on May 20, 2013
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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LeeAnna's Recent Posts
"We can't find her body. It's like it disappeared into thin air. Cian: It's probable that someone took it. Her blood was valu"
"later gtg"
"I'm sure May could show you how it's done. It's really simple, for her, anyways. *le grin at Jamie, totally waiting for his "
"Nivera: Lee, stop being a baby. Elacie: And yeah, dear, that's the point. *staring directly into a spotlight"
"Anne: Kay~! *giggling like f---* Phillip: ..Kaaay. Iry: I guess. Good. *pats "
"Grey: Get off, slut. I don't feel like f---ing around...I need Vivi. ... *relaxes again, snuggling into his a"
"Grey: No thank you..I have about five kids to kill first, and she's one of them. *and moves, whip appearing in his hand, hes meeeaaaannnn* ..."
"*still freaking out, trying to get away from him, eyes filled with panic* *but she's not looking at him, she's staring at the guy by"
"*totally freaks out* (._.)"
"(The person who randomly came into our thread for no f---ing reason. Uggggh. *tries so hard to stay out of drama*) *turns he"
"Ryder: No, It'll be Alicia or River, one. Then Alli. Then you, Rabbit~ *smiles, clapping her hands* They just needed a little push. "
"Janette: *skips, dragging him along* I'm happy. I don't even know why, I just am~"
"Janette: It's fiiine. *smiles softly* Let's go see Ella. And her kiiiid. *grabs his hand*"
"Ryder: Ah, young love. *grabs bothe their arms, shoving them into a nearby bedroom, closing and locking the door* DONT COME OUT TILL LEE'S L..."
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