LeafNight's Profile

Joined on Dec 4, 2020
Status Level: Novice
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LeafNight's Quizzes
- Shout Out Quiz (December 2020 Edition)[published: Dec 04, 2020, 3 comments]
fgrd6y5szrgfxbvtfrd5strfzvt78rv fthfytrgdgdgyrdtyrfgtytgfrdsfghytredsfrtyredfrtyredsfgtyr……
LeafNight's Recent Posts
"Who, me? Well no duh I am. And you're not getting out. Ok, so I might let you all play slither with me, but that's another site, and that's ..."
"Hi Summers. If you make me apologize I'm going to jump off a cliff."
"*looks into the past* Oh, so Nixy stopped by, huh? Hope she doesn't unleash Swarm on me"
"JayArt FeatherArt EmysArt JaystickArt"
"*wakes up* Ok you guys need to stop fussing over a dumb knife wound. She won't die."
"Ok I'm tired I'm going to take a nap Dis your alls chance to like imprison me or something if you're smart. Popping offline for"
"I haven't said it in like two weeks now tho"
"IM A FEMALE)) You can stop glaring at me juuuuuuuust about now unless you wanna die"
"Oh hey the one guy is back"
"Uh because she's going to make me apologize or something dumb like that"
"I listen to friends that I can trust because I don't want to anger them."
"Form swap! I'm a mortal dragon now"
"Me, the thread stalker, just now seeing this Do I count, in this form at least? Yes yes I know I know I'm a dragon"
"Hi Vex Lol Jayfeather Took forever t find a red and green dragon for dis alt"
"Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu It must be pure black tho Ok what color sparkles? Black? Silver, at the "
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