LaQuisha's Profile
Joined on Jan 2, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
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LaQuisha's Recent Posts
"I like the Asian way of thinking, where honor and intellect is highly valued. People are people no matter their race, though I personally li..."
"Well, I have to leave now. xP Later, you beautiful people. *blows kiss at Andrew when he comes* Sorry girls, couldn't resist."
"He was. :3 And, I just follow the 'monkey see monkey do' rule."
"I'm not Hikky. :P"
"Same, I may have to go soon. Still wanna see Andrew reaction though..."
"Hi Started playing Mortal Kombat on ps2. Getting my butt kicked at it. xP"
"Wanna go to a club where people wee on each other?"
"Kind of, more like bi. :P"
"Oh okay. xD"
"I haven't heard from him in forever, but I suppose I could send a message through youtube. Not much, talking to you people an"
"In a way, Andrew's hate towards me is attractive. If only he were gay."
"Bye bye Takos."
"*gives AZY a pretty flower* Because I don't know him in real life."
"How's life?"
"I mean if only I could."
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