Lakota's Profile

Joined on Feb 5, 2010
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
15-Year Club
Lakota's Quizzes
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Lakota's Recent Posts
"Hello KillMeNow :) Ciao to you too Nakita :)"
"Thanks. :) It's the only picture I've used on GTQ."
"A secret you say? Tempting. Curiosity strikes."
"Nice to see you guys again too :)"
"*hugs back* I think so, Biance :)"
"Alright, Hat it is :) @Alana :)"
"You seem pretty familiar Ana, I remember a panda being in place of your display picture though."
"Alright. Thank you Alana :) I don't believe we met, Hatshepsut? I'm sorry."
"I'm glad someone other than Alana and Carri recognize me :) As do you Appayipyip!"
"Haha, I kind of figured that, I haven't been on in almost a year."
"Animation. I'm beginning to doubt I'm going to graduate because I can barely remember half the information taught. Man I'm screwed lol"
"Yeah I guess I haven't been on for a while. Kind of been working on getting a degree."
"I bet none of you know me ._."
"Sugilite because it is considered an important healer's stone, which is used gently to draw out stress and desease, suglite disorbs anger an..."
Lakota's Recent Quiz Comments
"Lovely...I'm your wardrobe lol."