Ladybug's Profile

Joined on Nov 24, 2012
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Ladybug's Quizzes

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Ladybug's Recent Posts

  • Hey everyone!
    "Well night o you too Lauren and the other person"
  • Hey everyone!
    "I wrote my own name! Ha I ment Alex"
  • Hey everyone!
    "@molly yep. It's great. Hey I'm really tired and I'm gonna go to be so talk to ya tomorrow or whatever. Baiiiiii"
  • Hey everyone!
    "Alex: haha yep so what's up"
  • Hey everyone!
    "Alex: yay! Lauren: you write! That's so cool!"
  • Hey everyone!
    "Alex: wow haha. Okay. Alex it is!"
  • Hey everyone!
    "Lauren: I was wondering who your favorite writers on this site were. I want to take more quizzes and read other people's stories "
  • Hey everyone!
    "Star: I'm not much of a tv fan so I don't really have any favorite movies or cartoons. I'm more into music and sports Lauren:"
  • Hey everyone!
    "Star: that's okay. I don't mind if you forget. I'm checking out this site more. What are you doing? Lauren: hi. It seems nice"
  • Hey everyone!
    "Late post sorry! Star sounds nicer so I will call you star. Nice to meet you. I'm Molly"
  • Hey everyone!
    "Does this happen often!"
  • Hey everyone!
    "This site is so cool"
  • Hi
    "Thank you everyone who gave me advice. I will definitely be sure to keep all of this In mind. It sounds like there has been problems with pa..."
  • "Ugh wrong form sorry. No wonder why I was extremely confused"
  • "Nice to meet you kinda. We didn't ever talk haha"

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