Kuula's Profile
Joined on Dec 4, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
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12-Year Club
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Kuula's Recent Posts
"Oh crap. Forgot about that. Its a song: Diamonds on death lock by Crunk Witch. AT 2:14"
"I just need an opinion to what you think he is saying because i cant work it out: [no urls] ITS A 2:14. "
"Ah cool! Im from Scotland. Im Alizah. Nice to meet you :)"
"Oh cool! What city?"
"cool. where are you from?"
"I cannot stand the film at all: but i dont really mind who does or who doesnt. Its the over obsessed fans that get on my nerves. At least wi..."
"Nm. you?"
"Hello there!"
"Ahh thank you. :) *gives cookie*"
"Sorry: My name is Alizah and im from Edinburgh. Please to meet you guys and PLEASE help! D: I will give everyone a kilt and f"
"Thanks for reading this but: Well on Monday, me and my friend were talking at our lunch outside, then the person i li"
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