Kurutteru Boshi's Profile

Kurutteru Boshi
Joined on Apr 3, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
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Kurutteru Boshi's Recent Posts
"Kuro: Kurutteru, YOU BITCH! >:U Huehuehuehuehuehuehuehue. >:D"
"*floats to Dark* Are you alright, Miss Dark? *while trying to comfort her, pushes Kuro into the water* Kuro: NOOO--*is pushed"
"*watches in amusement* Hello there, Miss Dark. Kuro: I don't like the water. ;~; *flattens ears and tail turns bushy*"
"Kuro: *calling from outside the thread, still in chair, DUCT tape off of mouth* You could've worded that, Sun, as in all of us leaving. I'm ..."
"Kuro: Ah, I see. *looks around*"
"Kuro: *scoots chair out of thread* Poor Dark. I wish you'll be happy, soon."
"That sounds..difficult. Kuro: *closes eyes and thinks* Oh god. He better not try and get on her good side."
"Kuro: Oh, she knows my full name? *flicks cat ears* *shrugs* I suppose she does."
"I'm here to listen. *duct tapes Kuro's mouth* You were saying~?"
"Oh, my bad~ Kuro: *scoots chair towards Monseroe* Hello."
"Kuro: *scoots chair towards Mari* *covers her mouth* You heard Mari."
"Oooh, a drunk whore. I love drunk whores~ *floats towards her* Kuro: Monseroe? I don't think I've heard of that name, before."
"Kuro: I can't Heph, I'm still held hostage, remember? =-="
"Kuro: Oh, that's too bad. *rolls eyes* Not in front of Dark, Kuro. *elbows her* Kuro: But I don't like "
"*grins* I feel like doing something..fun~"
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