KshipaLilitu's Profile

Joined on Oct 15, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
KshipaLilitu's Quizzes
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KshipaLilitu's Recent Posts
"oh no wow its been awhile since i've been on both discord and gqt"
"Hey, who do y'all think i am???????????????????????????????????????????????????/"
"*stares* Oh boy! When do I go? I mean I haven't been on the computer for a few days but still can i go next pls????"
"cOnViNcE mE"
"b o r e d p l s h e l p"
"AHA!!! I KNEW YOU WERE TRICK!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Change my mind"
"Lol. Ok, Trick is sus(very)"
"ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk what your seeing thats funny"
"they accepted! omg my first discord friend "
"I- Kid- Cinder-- Fallen---- Why is your name a ship? Its cool, lemme just make a Discord account real quick--"
KshipaLilitu's Recent Quiz Comments
"Wow, you got me spot on! I got Midnight (77%) and I totally fit that description!!!!!!!