Kry Memories's Profile


Kry Memories
Joined on Dec 7, 2012
Status Level: Advanced

Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Kry Memories's Quizzes

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Kry Memories's Recent Posts

  • Account Checking
  • "So it's just a mistake, then? *warm smile* Well, I'm sure you can't be far off from where you started. Perhaps Ron"
  • "(This is a 1x1 roleplay that I had opened until I found a partner, but if I make another one, you're free to join.) Tch.. How c"
  • "None of them have any clue what they are doing. *sitting at a desk, staring down at something* *growls* I sh"
  • Account Tracker
  • OC Check
  • Don't mind me.
    "Number of quizzes: 5"
  • *conjures fire in hand*
    "It'd be rude to not. Of course Lady Dark. That's a jumble of people It'd seem."
  • *conjures fire in hand*
    "*bows down to the now standing princess before standing up* So to speak my Queen loves Princess Dawn. Pity, I'd think."
  • Where ish my babeh Lily?
    "*cuddle-pizza party* bauwjeloxhzks yeah. ^-^"
  • "Dark: E'yup."
  • *conjures fire in hand*
    "You have someone you hate, hm, Princess? *smiles, standing next to her*"
  • This is hard...
    "We have to watch the kids. This is horrible. Well Rowan anyways. Rowan: I can hear you. -.- No you can't."
  • This is hard...
    "*stares at the three kids across the room* If Meanie gets control we're doomed. Deern: I know but we have to d"
  • Screw it.

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