Kotoko Utsugi's Profile

Kotoko Utsugi
Joined on Aug 12, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Kotoko Utsugi's Recent Posts
"lmao why aren't i on any lists i'm obvi the cutest"
"lol u nerd"
"Yuuuck! Why would I want to take any orders from a filthy demon like you!? That weird smile, that messy brown hair... Go take a shower!"
"(whoops gotta go)"
"*slowly puts gun down, but is ready to jerk it back up and aim* ......"
"What the--? No! Why would I marry an ugly demon like you?"
"Aah! *points gun* S-stay back!"
"Shingetsu-kun said it would be cool! Why isn't it cool? And why are there so many demons!?"
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