kneekiki02's Profile

Joined on Sep 7, 2010
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
kneekiki02's Quizzes
- how much alike are we[published: Jan 05, 2011, 8 comments]
some people are alike and then some are not! take this quiz to see if you are like me and if we would be……
- What do people like about you?[published: Dec 15, 2010, 8 comments]
when someone gets to know you there is usually something that they like about you. it has to do……
- Whats your special color?[published: Dec 10, 2010, 18 comments]
colors are awesome and everyone has a certain color that defines their personality. its important to……
kneekiki02's Recent Posts
"oh ok byee nice meetin u too"
"juss sittin here txtn ppl"
"whats up"
"im on"
"oh gosh im sorry...i havent been on in awhile si idk wats goin on"
"oh wow"
"wat did she do"
"ohhh ok hiya hunter"
kneekiki02's Recent Quiz Comments
"ummm wow......."
1 -
"0% heck yes lol "
1 -
"welp i got cute lol "
1 -
1 -
" yea sometimes but im rly a nice person "
1 -
"girl...yup thats right"
1 -
"ima blood drive haha awesome!"
1 -
"lonely...yea kinda sorta feel that way "
1 -
"green...yay thats my favorite color"
1 -
"68% thats awesome"