kkkelsey123's Profile

Joined on Dec 27, 2011
Status Level: Novice
kkkelsey123's Quizzes
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kkkelsey123's Recent Posts
"Hiiiiii hay jayden :3 hi mia *stares at wolf* ohhhhhH pritty"
"Twilight but I am a fan of harry potter but i can't decide there both awesome"
"Ur right flibber in the movie katness got the mocking jay pin from greasey sew in the hob but in the book she got it from madge the mayors d..."
"I sometimes do and off subject lo e ur quizes and am wating for u to fin ish your sereses thanks ur quizes rock u should be an authour"
kkkelsey123's Recent Quiz Comments
"Omg a live andy and yes LONG LIVE THE BVB ARMY lv them all me and my friend ema are mega fans and well put it this way if anyone is going…"
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"OMG I love jake LOVE him 2 bits U can NOT I repete NOT let my baby die if u even think of it I will hunt u down not kidding but just want…"
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"Firey_soul I LOVE ur quizes they r the best thing on this sight u have 2 make more or I will get a big stick and hit u with it u r such an…"
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"Omg angel love it"
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"Part 15 NOW I wasint asking I was telling I can't wate a nother second withought THAM *sad face* "
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"Love all ur quizes can't make my mind up weather I like josh or max the most oh an make part 12 NOW *stamps feet like 4 year old*"
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"Love it so much it greate oh and what with the avacado thing oh and u better make a second serese of this or else * ames avacado at…"
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"I allways new I was ment for a different life thanks for conferminy my suspicions ur quiz rocks"
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"Amazing make part 2 now please"
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"Make part 2 asap love ur quizes red them all love them please finish all your serese and another amazing quiz well done and can u make it…"