Kix's Profile

Joined on Mar 1, 2021
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
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Kix's Recent Posts
"Wheek wheek I have a clue of what the BasilAnt account password might be. But it could be like a million things haha"
"I haven’t played in awhile but I also used to like that one city track I forget it’s name"
"CC is usually around 150 for me. I like Toad Harbor just bc it’s got highways and stuff haha. I usually play as Yoshi lol"
"Bc maybe I exaggerated or made you seem better than you were. Idk I still miss you"
"I only remember the times I talked about u. I can’t recall the times that we talked, just the moments when I would think about you. "
"Doris Day"
"Que Sera, Sera Whatever will be will be. The future’s not ours to see, que Sera, Sera"
"It’s such a pretty song, my mom used to always play it while I was in her car with her"
"Thought ham x dodgeball"
"I haven’t Never have I ever fallen in front of everyone"
"Ok I want a snack now bye"
"You ain’t nothing but a cheese head"
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