kitty kitty cat's Profile

kitty kitty cat
Joined on Jun 24, 2011
Status Level: Advanced
kitty kitty cat's Quizzes
- Do you know me?[published: Jun 24, 2011, 2 comments]
Find the words before you start the quiz and maybe if you find the words you will get a good percentage on this……
kitty kitty cat's Recent Posts
"*Watches you and giggles quietly* If you say so, love."
"*Scratches behind your ear* No no. You're pretty ^-^"
"*Pets your head* You're adorable~"
"I can be your new mom ^-^"
"Aww, that's adorable."
"I am in my twenties."
":( Great, another one. And, I'm pretty sure I might be older than you.."
"I'll call you Kaity :) Hello there"
"Sade, Yes, yes and yes, I am."
"Jinx, Oh? Well, have fun with that :P"
"Maple, Eh? Jinx, So, how are you?"
"Sade, You're a smart little one :P Jinx, Huh, I only remember a few ._. I'm pretty sure the ones I remember aren't here anymore."
"Jinx, I'm guessing there are a lot of new people here?"
"I don't doubt you on that Sade, a lot of people apparently do."
kitty kitty cat's Recent Quiz Comments
">Quiz doesn't even make sense nor is it even relevant anymore"
1 -
"You need to make another quiz, but with Nitara, Kitana, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Mileena :)"
1 -
".-. I'm beautiful??"
1 -
I hate this quiz. I was in a wonderful mood in till I took this. By the way. I am not boring and do not need to check my damn…"
1 -
""No Way!
You will never be forever alone! You are a romantic nice person who should have someone. You deserve it, have fun with…"
1 -
"yes......i dont know why i read it! xD your weird"
1 -
"i know lil kim! COOL"
1 -
"i could survive your"
1 -
"i got lil kim! cool quiz"
1 -
"im bored.....nice quiz"