Kitkat_Kitties's Profile

Joined on Oct 23, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
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Kitkat_Kitties's Recent Posts
"YOU'RE RIGHT!!!! Bye Emo, bye sis *death hugs*"
"BYE!!! *death hugs*"
"Same here, sis"
"I'm happy! What about you, DBL?"
"EMO!!!!!!!!!!!! *death hugs*"
"Hat said she'll stay, but she wont chat at all. She's just gonna be in the soaps. So she'll be here, but not at the same time."
"Okay, I will"
"I really hate bringing tha bad news"
"idk, she just said that it was much better when she first came to the forums"
"She asked me to put this on here "I'm sorry, but when I used to think of GTQ I'd think of onling slepovers, killing nick jr. "
"Okay, I have to go now Bye"
"Um, that affects her how?"
"Why Hat is in her room with a locked door, refusing to talk to anyone?"
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