KimonoZuki's Profile
Joined on Feb 16, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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KimonoZuki's Recent Posts
"Gengar: *glances over at Eevee, grinning* Gar Gengar~ Umbreon:*gets up and nudges Gengar* Gengar: *vanishes*"
"I see. Umbreon: *flicks tail, turns head as a pokemon appears on the roof behind Zuki* Bre? Gengar: Gengar!"
"Have you now? Umbreon: *yawns boredly, laying back down on Zuki's lap*"
"I've visited all of Johto and Kanto before, and that's good enough for me. Umbreon:*flicks an ear*"
"It's fine. I like it here just fine. Umbreon: Breon. *stares at Eevee*"
"I don't travel. I'm staying here, in Ecruteak City. Morty asked me to, so I can keep watch on the towers with him. Umbreon: *"
"Why would you say that?"
"*nods* Johto region...we're popular. Dancers and battlers. But the others got bored, so they left to train and explore other regions. I stay..."
"What's up? Have you come to watch the the Kimono girls? Because if so you're out of luck..the other's left. Umbreon: Bre.."
"*setting on edge of building, Umbreon asleep in her lap*"
"*hugs back* I LOVE YOU TOO DEAR~ Bye dear."
"Lily I'll give you a hint- Mooootthhhheerrrr. Sorry I disappeared, I had to escort a man out. What did I miss?"
"You'll never guess.:P"
"Working? Sounds boring. I'm just waiting for dance time. Umbreon and me decided to find something entertaining to do in the m"
"Hello~ What's up?"
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