Kimberly73003's Profile

Joined on Jul 23, 2016
Status Level: Junior
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Kimberly73003's Quizzes
- Does everyone LOVE you?[published: Jun 13, 2016, 1 comment]
do everyone love you or hate you? find out in this intense adventurous quiz made by the (drum roleā¦…
Kimberly73003's Recent Posts
"yeah. night gtg to sleep now"
"I usually listen to music and sing so.etimes. I ay electronics or Jump on trampolines or play sports most of the time"
"Yeah. It was funny and good. there is a few adult parts in it and swearing, but who cares. Im straight"
"U and Breadboy"
"Lesbian. My bed is a girl. I watched Stephen Kings the Shining"
"I watched a scary movie and cant sleep now. tho when I was watching the movie i was fi ne. Lol. My bed is Lesbi"
"nah. I cant sleep. Wtf do u mean"
"Its almost one here"
Kimberly73003's Recent Quiz Comments
"85% Yay im allowed in!"
1 -
"I did so bad...."