killer2014's Profile
Joined on Nov 30, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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"i cant believe my sister hacked my account to make this DXX"
1 -
"Wow, you are 59% woowoo! 59%
Okay, you're an above average woowoo person. You're belief system takes you a wee-bit further than…"
1 -
Your Result: werewolf 86%A creature of the night that is strangely attributed to light. you can change at will. that stuff…"
1 -
"I got 45% strange i thought it would be higher "
1 -
"88% Villain:loki"
1 -
"would you rather be shot with an arrow or
a gun?"1 -
"Got yes"
1 -
"50% conjuration better then i thoght it would be."
1 -
"Water 84% awesome... are the powers real tho?"