KilledByAnAngel's Profile

Joined on Mar 7, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
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KilledByAnAngel's Recent Posts
"Ben: ._. Can I still kiss you? Mandy: Oh... >-."
"I slept peacefully."
"Awwwhh~ "
"Ben: I'm still alive.."
"Mandy: Whaat?"
"I fell asleep on the couch."
"Ben: o.o Creepy mix-up."
"(Sorry..) I sighed, and went to watch T.V."
"Mandy: Good... Don't depress someone who's supposed to have 'spirit'."
"Mandy: DON'T DO IT. Light: I don't hurt Ben and I love him... ._. Ben: ._."
"Kit: xD Brb I got to take a shower."
"Ben: (: Light: Now.. why are you hurting poor little L? >:/"
"Yes please. :D"
"I smiled still, and stroked his hair gently."
"Ben: Hey babe (: *Kisses cheek and hugs* Light: >:( SIT DOWN. NOW."
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