KHRfan6303's Profile

Joined on Jun 3, 2012
Status Level: Junior
KHRfan6303's Quizzes
- the random quiz[published: Jun 10, 2012, 22 comments]
first:good morning everyone second:thank you for taking this quiz third:I made this quiz cause I was……
KHRfan6303's Recent Posts
"I'm fine"
"How are you?"
"Hi Nuna"
"What's up?"
"Ok Nuna"
"Thanks Nuna And Hi DeathStar321"
"Hmmm...... I hope you get better soon Anyway,could you give me random questions? I like to make a new quiz called the random "
KHRfan6303's Recent Quiz Comments
"11% i have failed to act as an idiot... now i gotta go make my score higher!!!!!!!!!!!"
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"98%? THATS HIGHER THAN I THOUGHT?! SO MUCH HIGHER! i was kinda hopoing for a 60%?"
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"I got Koala Bear"
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"I got a boy... I'll name him Jaden "
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"To be honest... I'm also half pie and people never tried to eat me cuz I'm too nice to them..."
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"72% well ok if that's what you say..."
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"I got 75% random and weird"
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"I want those Cheese give them back you stupid squirrels or else (squirrel: or else what?) I'll bite you to death bwuhahahahaha…"
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"Guess I have to delete this quiz until I have my perfect quiz *sigh* T^T and that you for commenting bad stuffs about my quiz hope you'll…"