KaylaEnoki's Profile
Joined on Jul 1, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
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KaylaEnoki's Recent Quiz Comments
"Earth then Water. Works for me. Sorry Fire, but I am nothing like you."
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"I'm Earth, which I'm fine with, but then it said I'm a guy. Now we have a problem. Anyway, there were all rather full, though not actually…"
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"I got 26% Honestly, I do like to dance, just as a hobby, the same way writing is a hobby for me. All those questions were for someone good…"
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"I got 60% not bad for not being taught by my parents yet, not remembering from when I was still in those seats, and still being a teen, and…"
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"42% there were only two, maybe three, that I actually knew."
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"I think this is the most accurate personality quiz I've ever taken. I got shy and wasn't a girly-girl or popular. It's perfectly accurate."
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"My top two are the Skywalker twins, but I'm least like their father. Interesting..."
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"I got wat? that doesn't make sense."
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"All the bars were empty. How did that even happen?"
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"Athena first, then Aphrodite. Athena I get, but... Aphrodite. Those kids are supposed to be, like, beautiful. I'm ugly, and I have no…"