Kawaii_Desu's Profile
Joined on Sep 27, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
Kawaii_Desu's Quizzes
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Kawaii_Desu's Recent Posts
"He was forced, stuupid!!!!! It's not the same!!!!!!! You're all so stuupid desu~!!!!!!"
"That's only a drawing!!!!!!! The real Italy woulldn''t wear that, desu~!!!!!!!!"
"Guys don't wear girl clothes, stuupid!!!!!!"
"Except Asians are really really cool!!!! They are, like, the best!!!!!!!!"
"I'm so sorry!!!!! D: I don't mean ot scaree you!!!!!!!"
"Carri04-san you're asian???????? OMG THAT IS SO SO COOL DESU~!!!!!!"
"Anastasia-san is correct!!!!!"
"Desu desu~!!!!! I will join!!!!!"
"No, that's watashi wa stuupid!!!!"
"I have lots of balls!!! They're all different sizes, too!!!!!"
"You guys are so so mean~!!!!! I'm going to report you, desu~!!!!!"
"I love it so so much~!!!!! I hate people who don't like it, how can you not desu~?"
Kawaii_Desu's Recent Quiz Comments
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