Kavel's Profile

Joined on May 6, 2013
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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Kavel's Recent Posts
"Harriet: No. Not happening. Lynnette: Because you would fail. Maveen: Badly. :I ..Rude."
"Nova: *blinks, then cuddles back* Ummm. Yeah! ... *huffs, yanking it out, healing himself* *fixes eye"
"Grey: *shrugs* Eh. Kyle: So anyways~ What? (Kyle: ..Go jump offa bridge.) ... "
"...Because Mom got her stupid self raped by Twisted. Janette: HE BROKE MY WINGS. And then fixed them, but still.. "
"Anzu: Kay~ *and moves into her, hard and fast*"
"(...Umm. Um. Ummmm.) *stands quickly, flicking wrist, sword appearing* ..Idiot. Angel: *hide"
"Fine then. :I"
"Anzu: ..You sure?"
"*shoves the dagger into Reea's stomach, shoving him off* *stands back up, sending Nixon a glare* Oh, shut up. Don't "
"Anzu: *slips off her pants and underwear~*"
"Make meeee. *stays put* *and then pulls the dagger out, slashing Angel's cheek with it* ..That's for"
"Anzu: Good. *little grin* I like first timers better."
"You are tooooo."
"Anzu: Are you a virgin?"
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