KarlJacobs's Profile

Joined on Jun 5, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
KarlJacobs's Quizzes
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KarlJacobs's Recent Posts
"(only that one, i just changed the pfp lol also, KaRl jAcObS aCc >:) Clay shifted slightly, stirring awake. He groaned"
"i like this song, scrawny. totally not listening to it bc it reminds me of someone ^^'"
"( yes i am :') ) Ross exhaled, trying to calm his nerves. ``She'll- She'll be back soon. Right? Yeah, right.""
"“I don’t know what is wrong with me, but I’m scared, p—sed off and lonely.” - WilburSoot Ha, relatable :’)"
"( really late reply lmao ) I’m alr now lol, just got ticked off by my teacher. Now I’m stressed and p—sed off bc I have a"
"b o r e d l o l"
"( bro, i'm a dumba-- :') ) Ross groaned quietly, seeing Alina didn't pick up. He tried calling her again, but she didn't answer"
"nice to meet you! im Karl, Karl Jacobs :D"
"thats perfectly fine, many people have anger issues :)"
"its fine! its normal, dont worry about it :)"
"i uh, i was just asking. you don't have to reply if you don't want to ^^"
"( watching** grammar go brr )"
"Vivian held the flower in her hand, staring at it with a smile. She glanced over to Oliver, watchibg him for a moment before looking away. "..."
"hi :)"
KarlJacobs's Recent Quiz Comments
"you lack self-confidence.
yep, deffo me.
pog quiz, tho :D"2