KamuiShirou's Profile

Joined on Apr 20, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
KamuiShirou's Quizzes
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KamuiShirou's Recent Posts
"Kamui- X"
"Well that's too bad."
"I'm Kamui, the dragon of Heaven."
"I know it was made up. But I've got school and can't be late."
"You obviously haven't seen X.... You aren't worth my time."
"What's so funny?"
"YOU'RE SO f---ING DEAD! *Turns into the Dragon of Heaven*"
"*Wing comes out of shoulder*"
"I said if you get too close or annoy me I'll kill you. *Uses magic to make floor collapse*"
"*Uses magic to blow the ceiling up*"
"If you don't leave me alone I'll kill you."
"I have the Divine Sword...."
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