KakiaOfBones's Profile

Joined on Oct 23, 2012
Status Level: Experienced
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
KakiaOfBones's Quizzes
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KakiaOfBones's Recent Posts
"Number of quizzes: 3"
"*appears next to Reea, hands glow yellow* I'm going to fix them, okay sweetie? But it'll hurt. *puts both hand"
"Oh, am I all alone? 32."
"....I'm still mad. *cuddles Remember again*"
"*cuddles Selena* o~o Damn. *hopeful that Gori will find the little blue colored bullet that's spreading out f"
"^-^ *gives back the doll*"
"*watches curiously*"
"*proceeds to cuddle the doll*"
"*disappears* *comes back a moment later with Dark, who's covered in her own purple-ish blood* *sets her down*"
"I dunno~ *blinks* ..Does it want to be cuddled? :O"
"Dark happened. There's a bullet somewhere in her stomach that's keeping her asleep. Deep sleep. And I can't get it ou"
"*continues cuddling* I'm mad. And when I'm mad I cuddle people."
"Because. You're the only one who has the ability to cut someone open without being disgusted. And~ You're a lion. :3"
KakiaOfBones's Recent Quiz Comments
"....It's a scary dog. Or wolf. e.e"
1 -
"So cute and adorable. ^-^"
1 -
"I. Am. Still. ALIVE."
1 -
"Eh. I liked it. :3"
1 -
"Poor Skittles. .3."
1 -
"Darn it. I only know myself 70%......I mean you. .w."
1 -
"Meh. I got 0%."
1 -
">:O I'm a Queen. I'm not going to bake a cake."
1 -
"Maybe Kitty. ewe Maybe.
I'm ordinary..."1 -
It was....ok. ^-^"1